MGA Research 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

We are pleased to announce that this year’s MGA research programme is finally sorted and commissioned.  The aim of this technical note is to set out the work we are undertaking on members behalf and with your subscriptions.  Before doing so however I thought it may be of interest to explain the process that has enabled us to get to this point.

The activities of the MGA are overseen by a Council of Management (board of directors for all intents and purposes).  This group, made up of livestock and biogas producing farmers, is currently chaired by south west dairy farmer Michael Christensen.  At the December Council meeting research proposals are presented by Simon Draper and the MGA office team.  The proposals are discussed in detail and at length during and between the December and February council meetings.  During the latter of these meetings decisions are made as to the budget available for research and which proposals to take forward.  Jean and John in the office then action this list with trials being put out to tender and commercial companies contacted to ask for treatments they would like included.  The approach, while long winded, has stood the test of time and continues to deliver what we believe is useful and farmer relevant research results. 

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